Monday, October 09, 2006


Hace algunas semanas conocimos a unas personitas muy especiales (gracias a mi trabajo en Lion's Inn) a quienes he tenido la oportunidad de llegar a conocer muy bien...gracias por dejarnos formar parte de su vida en guatemala...Estamos seguros de que esta amistad seguira creciendo con el tiempo y realmente esperamos tener noticias suyas'll always be in our hearts...We really love you all: Kya, Candy and Stephanie!!!

Pepe begining to explain Kya the rules of the game... mmm...parece bastante interesada verdad?

Candy, Kya and me... although Kya seems more interested in the game than the picture...cute!!!

The first time Kya met part of my family...and they already gave her nice!

Isn't that sooo CUTE!!! Kya you're such a good bebe!!! We love you!

What's sooo funny Kya?

Candy, Kya and Me and of course the bottle of wine I had for lunch...

That's the cutest pic of Candy, Kya, Stephanie and Tony...

Pepe, Kya and myself...(I'm the only one that does not look good there...jaja)

Con el tiempo tomo bastante practica...que linda!!!

Kya and her mommy...tenerlas como amigas ha sido muy especial!

JAJAJA... Kya making her funny faces!!!

Mmmm....yummie...this tastes good...

Mmmm...Shawn: that's pepe...jaja...but, don't worry, i'll take a good care of your ladies...jaja

Oooops Kya...your daddy might not like and pool...jaja

Pepe and Kya...what are you both talking about?

Well at the end of the day Kya won every single game...

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